Privacy Policy

Teacher Therapy Shop LLC ensures that the personal information you submit is secure. The data entered by the user or in the case of requiring validation of the orders will not be delivered to third parties, unless we understand, in good faith, that it must be revealed in compliance with a court order or legal requirements or for violation of these terms and Conditions.

As you browse our Website, the page may collect certain information about you during your visit. We use standard technology titled “cookies” and web log servers to collect information that helps us identify how our Website is being used. The purpose of the information obtained is to use it for quality control and measurement purposes.

What information do we collect from you?

The information we may collect from you is your name, email, address, telephone number, as well as any information provided through any communication with us by any mechanism, including emails, electronic messages, visits to our site, by interacting with us. with our advertising in third-party applications and/or services. The company may collect information about individual pages you access or products you view, search terms that led you to our site, data about your interaction on our site or information about your Internet connection, the equipment you use to access it and the details of use. Information is collected when you provide it to us directly or automatically when you browse our site.

The information collected includes information you provide to us by subscribing, filling out forms, making a purchase, sending us emails, and/or any other similar mechanism in which you voluntarily offer or provide us with information. The information obtained automatically when you browse our website may include IP addresses, information obtained by cookies and usage details. However, this privacy policy does not apply to information collected by us offline or through other means, such as another website operated by us, or to information collected by third parties, although such third-party links may be accessible on our site.

How do we use and protect your information?

The information obtained is used for the purpose of providing a better service, mainly to maintain a user registry, improve our services, and provide the best experience to users. We use the information provided for quality control and administration purposes and to monitor our business activities. Sometimes, so that our users can enjoy special offers, new products or services, you may receive periodic communications through the email provided, but if you wish, you can cancel them at any time. Subscription to advertising email newsletters is voluntary. We request that you do not provide us with confidential and private information through unreliable or different means.

The information we obtain from you will, in no way, be sold or transferred to unaffiliated third parties without your consent at the time you provide it. The company has developed technical measures to prevent loss, unauthorized access, data theft, misuse and alteration of information. However, the user must be aware that internet security measures are not unbreakable. However, if a security breach occurs, we will inform you immediately by any of the mechanisms provided by you, such as email, postal address, telephone or any other way in which you can receive the notification. The information must be true and complete.

Virtual therapies will be recorded and will not be disseminated to third parties, unless expressly agreed otherwise. Teacher Therapy Shop LLC is committed to the confidentiality of all client matters, including, but not limited to, recordings obtained from virtual sessions and any other information of each student. These virtual therapies will be protected by a username and password, which we ask that the client not disclose to third parties. The data inserted for access to the virtual platform will not be kept and protected in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

Data dwell time

Because the purpose of storing your information is to provide you with a better service, maintain a user registry, and improve our products and website operation, the length of time your personal data will remain in our systems for a period of four years from your last contact with the company, unless the law requires less time. This contact may consist of a visit to our page, telephone communication, email or in-person visit.

What are Cookies?

Cookies and other similar technologies, such as local shared objects, flash Cookies or pixels, are tools used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to provide proper functioning of the site. Through the use of these devices, the Web server is allowed to remember some data concerning the user, such as their preferences for viewing the pages of that server, name and password, products that interest them most, etc. When you visit a website, it asks your computer for permission to store that file in a designated “cookie” area on your hard drive. Every time you access our Website you are authorizing our access to your “cookies”, which allows us to identify you, obtain information about the date and time of your visit, time on the page, your behavior within the Website, your address. IP (numbers that allow your computer to be identified) and which websites you visited just before and after ours.

What types of Cookies exist?

Regarding the types of Cookies, there are five large groups:

Analytical cookies: collect information about the use of the website.

Social cookies: are those necessary for external social networks.

Affiliate cookies: allow you to track visits from

other websites, with which the website establishes an affiliation contract (affiliate companies).

Advertising and behavioral cookies: they collect information about the

personal preferences and choices of the user (retargeting).

Technical and functional cookies: these are strictly necessary for the use of the website and for the provision of the contracted service.

What type of Cookies do we use?

Strictly necessary cookies. These are what are required for the operation of our Site. They include, for example, those that allow you to register in secure areas of our Site, use the shopping cart or electronic billing services.

Analytical or performance cookies. They allow us to recognize and count visitor numbers to know how our users and visitors move through the Site. It helps us improve the way our Site works, for example by ensuring that our users enter easily finding what they are looking for.

Functional cookies. They are used to recognize when you return to our Site. It allows us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (language, region, etc.).

Orientation or objective “cookies”. They are responsible for recording your visit to our Site, the pages you visited and the links you clicked. We will use this information to make our Site, and the marketing we present, more relevant to your interests. This information may be shared with third parties for this purpose.

You should know that third parties, which could include marketing networks and external providers, may use “cookies” over which Teacher Therapy Shop LLC has no control.

You can choose the settings on “cookies” of your preference, denying access to this Site, in your browser preferences. Remember that, if you decide to block the total use of "cookies", including those that are essential for the operation of the Website, you could restrict your access to certain functions of our Site.

With the exception of those essential for the operation of the Site, “cookies” expire after 2 years.

How do we use your information?

The information provided will be used for quality control purposes and to manage and monitor our business activities.

In no way will we obtain your personal information when you visit our Website without you first choosing to provide it. The information we obtain from you will not be sold or transferred to unaffiliated third parties without your consent at the time you provide it.

How do we protect your information?

We request that you do not send confidential and private information to us through unreliable means. Emails are not a guaranteed means of communication. However, if you decide to send such information by this means, you do so at your own risk. Credit card information will never be requested or transmitted via email. Some of the information you enter on the Website may be transmitted under the security of a medium known as “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL).

Subscription to promotional email newsletters is voluntary and may be selected when creating your account.

We will use applications to create statistical summaries, which will be used to calculate the number of visitors to the different sections of our website, determine which information is of most and least interest, establish technical design specifications and identify problem areas. or system execution.

For security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we will use applications to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to provide, obtain or change information, or otherwise cause harm.

How can I configure Cookies or disable them?

You can accept, block or delete Cookies installed on your computer by configuring your browser options. In the following links you will find instructions to enable or disable Cookies in the most common browsers:

  • Firefox Sitios-we

  • Safari

  • Google Chrome

  • Other browsers Consult the documentation for the browser you have installed.

Warning about deleting Cookies

You can delete and block Cookies from this website, but some of the site will not function properly.

Policy Modifications

Teacher Therapy Shop LLC reserves the rights to change or modify these terms or policies without notice at any time. Notwithstanding this, personal information provided by you prior to the modification will not be used in matters that are materially inconsistent with this Policy, without your prior consent.

For any questions, please contact