know me

My name is Yajaira M. Villanueva , M.ed BCET, an educator who, like you, believes that together we can transform education one day at a time.

Founder of Teacher Therapy Shop, a platform for products and services aimed at developing tools and motivation for both teachers and therapists in order to promote inclusive education. I am a special education teacher and educational therapist. I have a master's degree in special and differentiated education, certified as a neurodevelopmental therapist.

I love coffee, fashion, makeup and I love to travel. I share what I am passionate about in order to inspire and motivate other colleagues.

Behind every resource I develop is the need of one of my students. I have been impacting learners with functional diversity for more than 12 years in the public system of Puerto Rico. The resources and teaching materials that you will find here are aimed at an inclusive classroom, to be used both in the classroom, therapy and at home.

I'm here to help you, don't forget to follow me on social media and subscribe to the email list. If you have any doubts, questions or recommendations you can do so by email:

I will be delighted to meet you.